Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Nida the Model shares her retail Soho Clothing Store Ambitions!
Nida Taylor
Modeling Website
What kind of Model Are You?
Glamour (Studio work including Lingerie), Bikini, Spokesmodel (Speaking / Tradeshow talent), Fashion
120 lbs
Body Measurements?
Hottest Physical Feature?
Full time model/ stylist at bcbgmaxazria
Special Skills
Sports. Acting. Dancing.
Any tattoos? How Many? Plan on getting more?
none. I want to get one but I don't want to get the wrong one!
Will you participate in Bikini / Gogo Competitions?
YES I love stages
How Long have you been modeling?
5 years
Your favorite designer(s)?
BCBGmaxazria (ofcourse, I work there lol), Michael Kors. LV/gucci bags. Burberry Perfumes, Jcrew, Forever 21 fun accessories, VS swimwear/lingerie, Steve Madden/Aldo heels, Marcs Jacobs. I love mixing designers and anything cute. I love dressing classy with feminine details!
Favorite Clothing Store?
Michael Kors
Favorite Supplement or Energy Drink
Red Bull for sure.
Sexiest Man
Matt Bomer from white collar. Too bad he's gay :(
Sexiest woman?
Adriana Lima without a doubt <3
Sleep Naked?
perhaps, ;)
Thong, Panties, Booty Shorts, Commando?
booty shorts!
Favorite Digital Gadget?
my macbook <3
Favorite Magazines besides ModelVanity?
People because it has all the gossip.
Maxim because of their sexy cover girls.
Glamour/Vogue for their fashion coverage.
Favorite Posession(s)?
My clothes! I love fashion.
Tropical or Cold climate?
Tropical. Beach, tans, sexy bodies!
Hyper or Chill
Depends.. usually pretty chill unless I get drunk haha
Favorite Car?
I love mini-coops. I find them soo adorable lol
Favorite Music?
Almost anything really. Lately, I love house music :)
Favorite Artist(s)?
Toooo many! Secret guilty pleasures? Disney Chanel Artists like Selena Gomez or Vanessa Hudgens. haha! shhhh
Your Favorite Party town?
Hollywood / LA, Miami, New York, London
What was life like growing up?
I was a tomboy growing up. I grew up with my brother, my 2 cousins and my grandparents. We all lived together in a huge house with nannies. My parents got divorced when I was really young but I feel like I had a good childhood regardless. Maybe not a typical one but a really good one thanks to my grandparents. <3
Were you popular in High School
My high school was HUGE. We had a lot of people so it wasn't like a small town HS. I definitely wasn't emo and I did know quite a lot of people (by face anyways. I am horrible with names) but I wouldn't say I was popular. I was always so busy with modeling and my part time jobs. But I have a hand full of close friends from HS that I am always hanging out.
whats the first compliement you get?
I have a lisp but people love it for some reason. People always compliment on how sexy my voice is and I find it really funny lol
How did you get into modeling?
It was weird. I started off 5 years ago with doing a random gig for macys, and I got scouted by an agency. It's hard for me because I am really petite. I can't do high fashion because of my height. I can't do some of the really sexy shoots because of my body. But I like the way my body is. I am only 19 right now, I refuse to get fake boob implants to get really into import modeling or anything really. My shoots are sexy but classy and I like that its not just about how big my boobs are or how skinny I look. It's what makes me different.
What was it like to pose for the first time?
I wasn't nervous at all. And I think that's when I realized, I like modeling and I was a natural at it. But of course, not perfect. Over the years, I've learned to pose better.
Do you still get nervous before a shoot?
Most of the time, not at all.
Favorite type of pose?
VS style. messy sex hair, cute lingerie.
What makes a great photographer?
some one who makes you feel comfortable and not creep on you.
Favorite Female Model?
Adriana Lima! <3
Greatest Modeling / Fitness accomplishment so far?
I've done fashion shows where I met a lot of accomplished models/celebs. Ms. teen NY was awesome too!
Tell us your most memorable shoot?
My first lingerie shoot. I was so so nervous lol
Any current exciting projects your working on?
ahh yes! you shall see ;)
Ever thought about acting
yes. I went to a casting for disney not too long ago. I like acting, I think it can take me farther than modeling ..
What are your dreams or goals in life?
I want to have my own high end clothing store in soho. I am going to be a really independent and successful business woman. I will never depend on anyone, especially men. I adore modeling but I am realistic. I need more than modeling to make my dreams come true.
Like to travel? Where..
I would love to travel the world one day.
What makes you feel sexy?
GTL . lol jk
I feel sexy at photoshoots, when my hair and make up is all done and I am just in a really cute bikini. lol
Who has been the most inspirational person in your life?
My grandmother. She raised me my entire life and she passed away recently on my birthday. I love you lola and I will miss you always <3
What can fans do to support your career
I adore my fans. And I am still not comfortable saying that I have fans. But I do and I love hearing from them! Thank you so much for supporting me and don't be surprise if you get a reply from me! lol I try to reply everyone.
Final farewell message to fans?
Thank you for everything, I hope I hear from you guys! Feel free to friend me on facebook as well :)
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